Alpharetta City Hall
Saturday, August 3, 2013
9:15am Band / 10am Program / 10:30am Parade
Road Closure Plan
The City of Alpharetta and the American Legion Post 201 will hold the 61st Annual Old Soldiers Day Parade. The parade is just one way that our country’s war veterans are recognized for the service. A Memorial Service will begin on Main Street in front of City Hall at 9:15am Band, 10am Program and 10:30am Parade. It will end at the American Legion Post 201 on Wills Road for free food and activities.
In 2013, the parade viewing area has been extended to Milton Avenue! To view the parade, bring a chair or a blanket along Milton Avenue; or head south on Main Street/ Highway 9 for the parade, band and reviewing stand; or take a right onto Old Milton Parkway to Roswell Street. The parade will continue to the American Legion Post 201 so come and enjoy the post parade festivities!
The Old Soldiers Day Parade began years ago as a tribute to veterans of the war between the states, but was discontinued after a few years.Twenty–eight years later, in 1952, a small group of men in Alpharetta re-dedicated Old Soldiers Day Parade in Alpharetta and started having a parade through downtown Alpharetta. Thanks to these few men and their belief in keeping this memorable tradition alive, this parade has become an annual celebration to all veterans of all wars.; this year marking 59 years.
Along with the program and parade, this celebration will also feature floats, bands, entertainment, children’s activities, and prizes. Free hot dogs and soft drinks will be available at the American Legion at 201 Wills Road. With so much to celebrate, take this day to recognize the living memory of all veterans of war.
For more information call 678-297-6000.
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